Dongguan Guangfan Automation Technology Co., Ltd.

Utensílios de cozinha panela interior máquina de polir polimento

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Utensils cookware pot inside inner polishing buffing machine use for stainless steel,SS, aluminum cookware or pot inside polishing to get mirror finishing or satin finishing before painting. This is very useful machine in cookware industries.

Nome: Utensílios de cozinha panela interior máquina de polir polimento
Tensão 380V,50HZ,3Fases
Motor 3KW*3
Espessura da peça de trabalho 0.8~2.0mm
Altura do trabalho 100~300mm
Diâmetro de trabalho 80~300mm
Função da máquina Polishing and buffing for inside

This type Utensils cookware pot inside inner polishing buffing machineproduced by us mainly use for stainless steel,SS, aluminum cookware or round tray outside polishing to get mirror finishing or satin finishing before painting.This is very useful machine in cookware industries as more fast and more good finishing than manual polishing.As 15 years experienced manufacturer for polishing machine, buffing machine machine and grinding machine,So we have new technology Utensils cookware pot inside inner polishing buffing machine.This type Utensils cookware pot inside inner polishing buffing machine with wide application can use in many different industries,like cookware industries, Light industries for reflecting shade,and some industries items like cookware’s shape.

We are improving the design and production technology every day according to market demand and user’s advise.Currently, This type Utensils cookware pot inside inner polishing buffing machine with very new and mature technology in market, and have very good feedback from customer.

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