Dongguan Guangfan Automation Technology Co., Ltd.

Serviço pós-venda da máquina de polir superfícies planas de metal

Vistas: 207 Autor: Editor do sítio Hora de publicação: Origem: Sítio


Flat metal surface polishing machine to this customer made in 2023 and the customer got machine in April of 2023.
As this customer is a polishing service person, So he have different flat parts but less qty. So we suggest him use this type flat metal surface polishing machine for less investment.
The machine details as below:



As this is simple machine, So very simple Online discuss and guide, then customer use this machine very well. and very happy to order more machines from us.



As customer use the flat metal surface machine very well more order from this lovely customer . 

Por favor, contacte-nos para obter o preço certo e adequado da máquina e vídeo de trabalho?

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