

metal deburring

什么是去毛刺机?去毛刺机是一种专用设备,用于去除材料在切割、打磨或机加工等制造工艺后产生的毛刺、尖锐边缘或瑕疵。这些机器有助于确保金属、塑料或其他材料的表面更加光滑,这对于质量控制、安全和美观都至关重要 [...] 。



什么是管道打磨?管道打磨是一种用于平滑和抛光管道和管材表面的工艺。这种技术使用砂轮或研磨材料去除管道外部或内部的缺陷、毛刺或多余材料。打磨工艺的目的是什么?管道打磨有以下几种用途 [...]



什么是珠宝抛光机?珠宝抛光机是珠宝制造和维修行业中的一种专用工具,用于抛光、擦亮和完善各类珠宝的表面。这些机器有助于实现金属表面的高光洁度,提高珠宝首饰的外观和光泽。什么 [...]


What is mirror polishing machine? Polishing is very important process for metaland harware items making process, and Mirror finishing is one type of finishing after polishing process. And mirror polishing machine produced by us  is a process of creating a highly reflective and smooth surface on metal through mechanical methods, aiming to achieve a flawless […]



What is a sand blasting machine? A commercial sand blasting machine is a device used for metal surface treatment, also known as a sanding machine or blasting machine. It can use high-speed jetted abrasive particles such as sand, glass beads, alumina oxide, etc., to frictionally rub the surfaces of metals like aluminum and stainless steel, […]


polish machine for jewelry

A jewelry polisher machine is a specialized tool used for polishing, buffing, and finishing jewelry, particularly pieces made of silver and stainless steel. This machine can create different surface effects, including mirror finish, satin finish, and brushed finish. How to polish jewelry on an electric buffing machine? To polish jewelry on an electric buffing machine, […]



A metal polishing buffing machine is an essential tool used for achieving smooth and shiny finishes on metal surfaces, such as flat stainless steel, brass, and iron sheets. These machines are designed for polishing and buffing metal surfaces to achieve a smooth and reflective finish. They are widely used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, […]



Jewelry polisher machines are specialized tools used for polishing, buffing, and finishing jewelry pieces, especially those made of silver and stainless steel. These machines are designed to effectively smooth metal surfaces while maintaining intricate details and preserving the original design and geometry, preventing any rounding or deformation of edges. They deliver consistent results across batches, […]


mirror polishing machine

A mirror polishing machine for spoons and forks is a specialized piece of equipment designed for polishing the inner and outer surfaces of stainless steel cutlery, specifically bowl, spoons and forks, to achieve a high-quality mirror finish. It is commonly used in commercial kitchens, restaurants, and catering businesses that require a very high level of […]


Knife polishing machine is a specialized machine used for the polish end radians of stainless steel knives, fork and spoons. These polishers are designed to work on stainless steel cutlery items, providing a mirror-like finish. The equipment operates using pneumatic power to enhance efficiency in polishing stainless steel knives and spoons. Does polishing a knife […]



A cutlery polishing machine is a machine device used for cleaning and polishing stainless steel knives, forks, spoons, and other utensils. It typically uses rotating or vibrating methods, combined with appropriate polishing agents, to remove dirt and oxidation from the surface of the cutlery, making it clean and shiny. These machines are commonly used in […]



What does a belt grinder do? A belt grinder for metal pipes/tubes is a tool used to process metal pipes and tubes. It is primarily used to remove burrs, smooth surfaces, polish, and trim the outer surface of pipes and tubes. This equipment can effectively improve the quality and surface finish of the pipes, meeting […]


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