보석용 폴리싱 머신

주얼리 폴리셔 기계는 주얼리, 특히 은과 스테인리스 스틸로 만든 제품을 연마, 버핑 및 마무리하는 데 사용되는 특수 도구입니다. 이 기계는 거울 마감, 새틴 마감, 브러시 마감 등 다양한 표면 효과를 만들 수 있습니다. 전동 버핑 머신으로 보석을 연마하는 방법은 무엇인가요? 전동 버핑 머신으로 보석을 연마하려면 [...]
금속 연마 버핑 머신

A metal polishing buffing machine is an essential tool used for achieving smooth and shiny finishes on metal surfaces, such as flat stainless steel, brass, and iron sheets. These machines are designed for polishing and buffing metal surfaces to achieve a smooth and reflective finish. They are widely used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, […]
보석 연마기

Jewelry polisher machines are specialized tools used for polishing, buffing, and finishing jewelry pieces, especially those made of silver and stainless steel. These machines are designed to effectively smooth metal surfaces while maintaining intricate details and preserving the original design and geometry, preventing any rounding or deformation of edges. They deliver consistent results across batches, […]
수저용 거울 연마기

A mirror polishing machine for spoons and forks is a specialized piece of equipment designed for polishing the inner and outer surfaces of stainless steel cutlery, specifically bowl, spoons and forks, to achieve a high-quality mirror finish. It is commonly used in commercial kitchens, restaurants, and catering businesses that require a very high level of […]
나이프 연마기
Knife polishing machine is a specialized machine used for the polish end radians of stainless steel knives, fork and spoons. These polishers are designed to work on stainless steel cutlery items, providing a mirror-like finish. The equipment operates using pneumatic power to enhance efficiency in polishing stainless steel knives and spoons. Does polishing a knife […]
수저 연마기

A cutlery polishing machine is a machine device used for cleaning and polishing stainless steel knives, forks, spoons, and other utensils. It typically uses rotating or vibrating methods, combined with appropriate polishing agents, to remove dirt and oxidation from the surface of the cutlery, making it clean and shiny. These machines are commonly used in […]